I arrived home in MN on Tuesday morning after a L-O-N-G 25+ hr cross-continent trip which involved travel by taxi, bus, car, and a bunch of flights and layovers. I was definately in for a rude awakening with the cold weather and snow that greeted me at the airport. Needless to say, I have spent the last couple of days sleeping, doing LOTS of laundry, and pigging out on american junk food.
It was hard saying goodbye to my host family, and especially dramatic considering there were 8 to say goodbye to. They couldn't have been a nicer, more generous or more accomodating family, and I really "lucked out" by getting to live with them for the past couple of months. I really hope that someday in the future I can return to Guanajuato to take more classes and visit my host family once again.
Overall, I had an absolutely wonderful experience in Mexico, and felt I was able to greatly improve my spanish speaking skills, made a difference volunteering at the clinic, gained some life-long friendships, and have a whole new appreciation for the Mexican culture and its people, and look forward to applying what I learned in my RN position I will be starting in May in Milwaukee.
Thanks for following along, and I hope you all enjoyed reading about my adventure.
Love from MN, Heidi