Sunday, February 22, 2009


This wk went by VERY quickly, moreso than the others!!! I continued my work at the clinic, and am enjoying it more and more. Although the clinic is fairly well-equiped and staffed, it is tough thinking about how much more difficult it must be to manage medical conditions here (and in other less-advanced countries) than in the US. Although you don't need a prescription here for most medications and they are VERY CHEAP, medical supplies are sometimes difficult to get and of course nothing is handicap accessible. There are a couple of patients at the clinic who are there very regularly for various reasons with Parkinson's and also those with severe spinal cord injuries (along with many other sad cases) and I truly admire the determination of both them and their families to keep at it every day!!!

Although I don't have formal classes anymore, I continue to go to the evening cultural classes. This wk we studied Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Both are very famous and interesting artists from Mexico. Diego Rivera is actually from little old Guanajuato, and tomorrow I plan on visiting a museum in town here that displays some of his artwork in the house he grew up in...that should be very cool!!!

Today, Saturday, I visited Leon with a couple of other students from school. Leon is a large town about an hour's busride from Guanajuato. About 1.5 million people live there, and it is very well-known for its leather and shoe industry. As a large city, it also has lots of amenities, and many signs of America (Sam's Club, Applebee's, Walmart). There literally are 1000's of shoe stores along the streets (and not much else to see) and also La Plaza de los Zapatos...the world's largest shoe mall. There were a lot of nice shoes, bags, wallets, jackets, etc there which I was very impressed by, but not enough to buy. What I liked the most were the cowboy boots. The quality of leather and craftsmanship was incredible!!! I actually almost bought a pair of pink cowboy boots...but I didn't quite bring enough money along for the day. I guess in retrospect, they probably aren't something I would wear on a regular basis...but would they be fun to have!!!

We also happened upon a McDonalds, and for the first time in I don't know HOW LONG, I had 2 cheeseburgers, large fries, and a coke. It was so good to have American food!!!