Thursday, January 29, 2009

You know you're in Mexico when...

After being here for almost 3 wks now, I have observed some interesting things, which bring me to the topic:

1. Tortillas and salsa are somehow included in EVERY meal (and should be...they are SO fresh and delicious here).

2. The restaurant near my host family's house had half a cow delivered via wheelbarrow the other day (needless to say I'm sure I've eaten far worse since I've been here, I just don't know it).

3. The spinning instructor at the gym I go to for spinning class brought her 3 month old Beagle puppy with to class...he slept in her sweats while we biked.

4. The sun intensely shines every day without a cloud in the sky.

5. I occassionally don't have hot water in my shower after a windy day...the pilot light on the hotwater heater to my room gets blown out as it is on the roof outside of my room.

6. It is possible to buy a "knock-off" of just about anything. Last wkend I bought a pair of "Lacoste" sunglasses for 50 pesos (about $4).

7. When I tell people I'm from MN or WI they have no idea where it is...but when I mention it's near Canada, they immediately know it must be VERY cold.

8. There are lots of stray dogs around and they are all SO cute. I wish I could bring a couple home with me!!!

9. American TV shows are on TV all the time, but with the most cheesey dubbed-over voices. Grey's Anatomy just isn't the same!!!

10. Recycling does not exist in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. I cringe every time I have to throw away a bottle or can.

11. Car seats and seat belts are never used. I often see a family drive by with an infant on the mom's lap and kids standing on the seats in the back.

12. American influences are everywhere...iPods, Wii, Miley Cirus, "Abercrombie" and "Holister" clothing.